Torrez Tales

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

hello fall.

welp. Summer flew by fast!  I didnt blog this summer. So much traveling and conferences and family events. I can honestly say most of our time was spent at the lake on the weekend. That was so nice and amazing. There truly is no place like the Lakes of Indiana. Now season is starting with the girls again which means more travel. andrew had knee surgery recently and is preparing to go back to full time work in the next few weeks. Hes been working downtown in the office buildings. I am so happy for fall. I just love this time of year. From the beginning of oct until new years i feel so warm and happy. I love the holiday smells and it makes me feel closer to home. Summer is just too fast pace for me sometimes lol. I cant always keep up! well until next time.....

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


What do you do when you have all of these amazing ideas and dreams and yet someone or something prevents you from completing them? I have this drive And have worked hard to get where I am at. But is where I am at worth it? Or is it hindering me? Andrew and I have had many talks about certain things I still want to accomplish. First just let me say I have the most amazing husband ever who always supports me nonmatter what. He is such a blessing that God has given me. He's my biggest fan and always encourages me. Whenever I have a bad day he is the one that just makes everything so much better. My knight in shining armor :) career wise I am very Ambiciuos. Inhale met so many wonderful people inmmynline of work and have made some everlasting friends too. However, I really want to go beyond that. I have beenpraying to God for answers and recently been praying more. I always get this feeling when change is about to happen. I don't know what it is to be honest and I don't think it will be right away but I am very curious as to what God has in store for me. I feel like he is preparing me. And very recently someone also told me that. in rely heavily on my faith. The Lord is guiding me and I know that He has answers for me. Until then I will just have to keep puttingnmy trust in Him :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Busy as usual

Just returned home from several trips. Andrew took Jeremy to the Seattle Sounders game in Columbus while I took the cheerleaders to Washington D.C. For U.S. Finals :) both were very good trips. It's always nice to remember how much history is in D.C. I often thought of grandpa this weekend given that we shared a passion for history and government for so long before his passing. It made me grTeful for those conversations I had with him. On another not summer is coming! So excited for lake season. Ready for boats and beaches. I miss the family like crazy and cannot wait to spend some extra time with them this summer. Randall will be graduating in a few weeks then making his decision between military or college. Jeremy will be entering his senior year. Time flies. So,sometimes I just wish it wouldnslow down a litte :(

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Catch Up

Our new and improved Blog!
Well now that i have (almost) finished redesigning our new blog here is a few updates. First, my girls won supernationals is INDY!!! Level 4 champs <3 Andrew and i have both been super busy traveling. He is currently in Philadelphia almost home from his 3 week stay. I flew out to visit him and it was so nice just to have a few days to ourselves. The weather is starting to get much warmer and i can almost smell lake season on some days lol. I forget how much i miss the lake. I look forward to just relaxing this summer....who am i kidding i will probably be just a busy as ever. I have been playing catch up with sa few friends from back home. Including bec who finally welcomed baby JJ into the world. He is so cute! Steph might be moving :( but i understand more than anyone lol. sometimes it can be a great adventure. The gym is keeping me pretty busy as well. Its nationals season these next 8 weeks and then in 9 weeks tryouts to do it all over agian lol. ive been a little homesick lately but great news...momma gennie decided that she is coming in for a visiit this weekend in order to celebrate her birthday:) im looking forward to seeing her eand jeremy agian. Jeremy and Randall are already starting baseball too. I cant wait to watch their games agian. I cant believe Randall is a Senior!!!! I know he is thinking about joining the airforce depending on if he gets is baseball scholarship or not. I guess we'll see. Other than not not much. :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

1 year

Yesterday was our one year anniversary. I kept thinking back to what we were doing at exactly each hour one year ago. I remember everything like it was yesterday from the prepping at the hotel, to the walk down the isle, to the trolley ride, to one stunning reception hall. I remember Andrew and I being so wrapped up into each other that day and how blessed we were to have our friends and family be apart of it. I kept looking thru our phot album and recieving texts from friends and family asking to do it al over agian lol. It really is possible to have one perfect day in your life. That was our day. Ours friends made it so perfect and fun for us while our family put everything they could into working hard and helping out with preperations. this year was a but more calm for us lol.. We actually chose to have a quite dinner at home, with champagne and and nice meal. and then we ate our cake top which was INCREDIBLE just as the say it was made :) We both have been sick and busy with work so a day of rest was much needed and also couldnt be better. So here is one last thak you too all of our friends, family, photographer, videographer, and all other vendors that made our day so perfect. :)

Monday, October 25, 2010


I love fall!!!! I love pumpkins, apple cider, orange leaves and i love the how hte lakes look this time of year. It is so nice goig home to spend quality time with family :) Last weekend we did our traditional pumpkin carving at Momma Gennies. lol. We also went to the orchard to get our pumpkins and cider. I just love Indiana this time of year. Pittsburgh isnt bad either. The fall leaves are so pretty withh all of the different colors. And i love the smell of bonfires after a friday night football game. Luckily i have been able to make it to a few of the New Haven games. The bulldogs seem to be doing great this year! The next few months is the season for gatherings, my favorite thing to do :) Andrew and i are both very busy, he works lol, and my cheer squads keep me plenty busy. The girls look great so far this year too. Fall just relaxes me. I love sitting on our porch at home talking and laughing with our friends and family. We most definately are a crazy bunch. This coming weekend most of the guys from back home are coming to visit andrew and i know he is looking forward to it as well. Me,,,,,,well i know im gonna have a messy house with 6 guys in it lol. none the less, its a great time of year for a visit. :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ok Im Back, for real this time!

Haha soooo i have really taken a long time to get back in to the swing of things here on this blog lol. But you can now expect regular updates. I will do my best :) Just a quick recap,,,summer was crazy! Between getting things going for the season with the cheer program at the gym and traveling, im exhausted. BUT on a happier note, fall is here and they leaves are changing, bonfires are blazing, and the boys of fall have taken to the field. :) Its nice this time of year. Especially in Pittsburgh. The foliage is amazing. I always think back to those fall weekend to antwerp at grandpa;s raking piles and piles of leaves and then enjoying the smell in the burn pile. I miss those days. This month Randall will celebrate his 18th birthday as most of you know. Thats scary! My baby brother is growing up and before i know it he will be out of high school! well lets not think about that right now. expect to hear from me soon!