Torrez Tales: October 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010


I love fall!!!! I love pumpkins, apple cider, orange leaves and i love the how hte lakes look this time of year. It is so nice goig home to spend quality time with family :) Last weekend we did our traditional pumpkin carving at Momma Gennies. lol. We also went to the orchard to get our pumpkins and cider. I just love Indiana this time of year. Pittsburgh isnt bad either. The fall leaves are so pretty withh all of the different colors. And i love the smell of bonfires after a friday night football game. Luckily i have been able to make it to a few of the New Haven games. The bulldogs seem to be doing great this year! The next few months is the season for gatherings, my favorite thing to do :) Andrew and i are both very busy, he works lol, and my cheer squads keep me plenty busy. The girls look great so far this year too. Fall just relaxes me. I love sitting on our porch at home talking and laughing with our friends and family. We most definately are a crazy bunch. This coming weekend most of the guys from back home are coming to visit andrew and i know he is looking forward to it as well. Me,,,,,,well i know im gonna have a messy house with 6 guys in it lol. none the less, its a great time of year for a visit. :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ok Im Back, for real this time!

Haha soooo i have really taken a long time to get back in to the swing of things here on this blog lol. But you can now expect regular updates. I will do my best :) Just a quick recap,,,summer was crazy! Between getting things going for the season with the cheer program at the gym and traveling, im exhausted. BUT on a happier note, fall is here and they leaves are changing, bonfires are blazing, and the boys of fall have taken to the field. :) Its nice this time of year. Especially in Pittsburgh. The foliage is amazing. I always think back to those fall weekend to antwerp at grandpa;s raking piles and piles of leaves and then enjoying the smell in the burn pile. I miss those days. This month Randall will celebrate his 18th birthday as most of you know. Thats scary! My baby brother is growing up and before i know it he will be out of high school! well lets not think about that right now. expect to hear from me soon!