Torrez Tales: Family :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Family :)

I have to admit that while i love living in Pittsburgh, we do miss our family alot. We have a very tight knit family. I love holidays and gathers when you get to see everyone. Family is always home to us. We can live anywhere as long as we still have our family :) We crack up at our crazy brothers (who by the way think that now we are married that they are related too lol!) The both are so funny and such good kids. We hope to be good role models to them. Our parents i must admit are pretty amazing too. My mom and i talk on the phone alot and tat helps form being so far away, steve and andrew still talk too, and i think i must bug my mother-inlaw at least 4 times a day everyday lol! I think that moving away has somehow made us closer to our family. When we come back to IN we feel so at home. We often dont even see our friends or go out, we are just happy to spend the time with our family. God has given us many blessings with teh people he has brought in to both of our lives and we are so grateful.

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