Torrez Tales: Blizzards and Birthdays

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Blizzards and Birthdays

Well it looks like have should have updeated this blog sooner lol. since my last post...Pittsburgh recieved 3 1/2 feet of snow! yes we were snowed in for 4 days! I will post some pics later. That was weveral weeks ago and now it is all almost melted :)
We also just celebrated Momma Gennie's Birthday!!! Myself, steph, tuttle, andrew, amie, jeremy, and aunt fran all went to dinner and had a party at the house afterward. it turned out to be so much fun! We laughed so hard!
In other news, Brit and Josh are currently visiting us on their spring break touring the city! hope to have pics of that soon! Until then...

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