Our new and improved Blog! |
Well now that i have (almost) finished redesigning our new blog here is a few updates. First, my girls won supernationals is INDY!!! Level 4 champs <3 Andrew and i have both been super busy traveling. He is currently in Philadelphia almost home from his 3 week stay. I flew out to visit him and it was so nice just to have a few days to ourselves. The weather is starting to get much warmer and i can almost smell lake season on some days lol. I forget how much i miss the lake. I look forward to just relaxing this summer....who am i kidding i will probably be just a busy as ever. I have been playing catch up with sa few friends from back home. Including bec who finally welcomed baby JJ into the world. He is so cute! Steph might be moving :( but i understand more than anyone lol. sometimes it can be a great adventure. The gym is keeping me pretty busy as well. Its nationals season these next 8 weeks and then in 9 weeks tryouts to do it all over agian lol. ive been a little homesick lately but great news...momma gennie decided that she is coming in for a visiit this weekend in order to celebrate her birthday:) im looking forward to seeing her eand jeremy agian. Jeremy and Randall are already starting baseball too. I cant wait to watch their games agian. I cant believe Randall is a Senior!!!! I know he is thinking about joining the airforce depending on if he gets is baseball scholarship or not. I guess we'll see. Other than not not much. :)